Conservatives support an article that makes worrying reading for those who thought they were voting for a Better Wealden in the 2023 District Council elections.
The revealing piece, by Independent Councillor Andrew Wilson, slams the Green-run Alliance, backed by Lib Dems and Labour for wasting time and money on Green wokeness rather than providing efficient, value-for-money essential services.
With promises of bringing down housing numbers and protecting the AONB (now National Landscape) and the environment, the left-wing Alliance has quickly and systematically backtracked to abandon any such notions.
Like the current Labour government, it appears the Socialists running Wealden simply said anything to appease the electorate to get elected, with scant regard to ever keeping their word.
With the threat of these power-crazed individuals at Wealden being in power for another two years, unless removed by local government reorganisation beforehand, now is the time to really start asking the Alliance some probing questions over their ethics and probity.
Wasting our money
How do these Alliance Wealden councillors justify spending well over £200,000 annually on their own Climate Change cabinet member, supported by a four-strong climate change team? Never mind a spending budget of goodness knows how much into the bargain.
Do we all really need lecturing on the merits of giving up meat? Reasons why we should not fly off on holiday?
Then we are badgered into not driving our cars; told where to bank; and instructed to stop buying new items in the shops, jeopardising the future of our high streets.
What next? Wealden District at COP30? And what about the Leaders new portfolio Cllr Millward is in charge of the “Community, Culture and Communications Portfolio.” It may make her feel important, but does that even align with a District Council statutory responsibility?
Small wonder that we that hear local civil servants are privately expressing frustration at the inability of Alliance for Wealden members to focus attention on the tedious business of delivering basic council services.
Consult to ignore?
What about the endless consultations from this Green/Lib Dem/Labour coalition at Wealden. How many have taken place? I don’t know.
Is any notice taken of our opinions?
Do you agree with their heavy handed “environmental” guidance on what is required to host an ‘event’ which could very well be the beginning of the end for Wealden’s Bonfire Societies, car and steam rallies if the eco zealots get their way.
Cllr Michael Lunn – Representing Rotherfield and Hadlow Down observes:
“It seems that the Alliance are following the well-trodden path of many newly elected left-wing authorities: losing focus on key statutory services that taxpayers value, pursuing instead costly white elephant projects, promoting virtue signalling nonsense, evading scrutiny, and ultimately inevitably placing an increasing financial burden on local taxpayers.
"I am also deeply concerned at their attack on community events which collects thousands for charity such as Sussex Bonfire Societies and Steam Rallies”
Green waste
How much did our council’s green jamboree in Uckfield cost? Did we ask for it?
Did you go? Did you even know about it, and that your taxpayer’s money was funding such an event.
Judging by the publicity photos, it was a total flop and attended mainly by local councillors. Talk about preaching to the converted!
And now they’re using ‘their findings’ as the basis for yet another web consultation.
What about their ambitions to build a “Greenway” between Uckfield & Lewes? And do we have confirmation Lewes District are going to pay for their share of the Greenway, and if not, why are we wasting time and public money on it.
Are you happy that this all but wrecks our chances of ever reconnecting the two towns by rail and providing a second main train link to London? Something we have supported for many years.
Wouldn’t you rather that money was spent keeping down council tax?
If this is not quite what you thought you were voting for, then you need to know that it’s all being done in your name.
BUT … Do you really know what the district council is doing in ‘your name’?
Read Andrew Wilson’s full article here: