Ann Newton is the Conservative Group Leader on Wealden District Council.
Representing Framfield, Blackboys and Crossin-Hand Ann has been a Wealden District Councillor since 2007 and is a champion of the local communities she represents.
A parish councillor from 1995, Ann became Parish Clerk to Framfield Parish Council in 1999, a role she still enjoys.
Having been involved in different levels of government for over 25 years she has a broad knowledge of its idiosyncrasies, representing and working with residents on a variety of different issues.
Although now Leader of the Council, it is her local community which is dearest to her heart, having lived in Blackboys for over 30 years, bringing up her family here.
Campaigning for our communities
Condemning the Government’s storm water reduction plan, as not being stringent enough, Ann says that “pouring sewerage into our rivers and seas is not acceptable in our so-called ‘civilised’ country.” To tackle this, Ann has met regularly with Southern Water to bring in new working practices so that any new housing must be connected to a functioning sewerage system which then doesn’t impact on adjacent properties.
Ann played a leading role in getting Government to agree to the recent consultation to reduce housing numbers imposed on local authorities such as Wealden.
Ann is also working hard with the NHS to provide and retain doctors for our communities.